
网络缩略语是一种把词汇、短语或句子的缩略形式,常由一组字母构成。这种形式见诸与中文、英文等各个语言之中,并且具有极大的解读自由度。比如GG-哥哥(中文)/Good Game(英文),ZZ- 转载/政治/智障(中文),NMSL - 你妈死了(中文)/ Never Mind the Scandal and Liber(英文)。其除了作为一种网络交流的黑话外,也会在特定情境下用以指代一些敏感词汇。


Abstract Oracle Generator
stainless steel plated with titanium, Bowl bell, wood, custom circuit, LED screen, Geiger Muller tube

The form of abbreviation on the internet is consists of the initials of words, phrase or sentence. Despite what kind of language the abbreviation is based on, it produces a free and flexible interpretation beyond its own meaning. For instance, GG – Ge Ge (brother in Chinese)/Good Game (in English); ZZ – Zhuan Zai/Zheng Zhi/Zhi Zhang (reprint/politics/dumb, in Chinese); NMSL – Ni Ma Si Le (your mother is dead, in Chinese)/ Never Mind the Scandal and Liber (in English). As a kind argot on the internet, abbreviation also to be used to replace some sensitive words in specific situations.

Abstract Oracle Generator is a device based on physical random number generator to produce different English acronym combinations, which like prophecies to response to questions raised by participates. In fact, when the device is triggered by participants striking the singing bowl to activate the Geiger-Mueller tube system, the ionizing radiating particle in the environment is monitored and transferred on the LED screen with the randomly English acronyms. Maybe a way to put it, the ‘oracle’ produced by the ionizing radiation in the spatial environment, which monitored by Geiger-Mueller tube system, is purely and objectively "better" than the human divination or the results generated by computer with the pseudo-random algorithm. Meanwhile, the abstraction of abbreviations expands the participants’ imagination.