
不锈钢镀钛、铜磬、树莓派、LED 屏幕、电磁铁、定制电路、定制软件



由 UCCA 尤伦斯当代艺术中心委任

Abstract Oracle Miner

Stainless steel plated with titanium, bowl bell, Raspberry Pi, LED screen, electromagnet, custom circuit, custom software

Abstract Oracle Miner is an interactive installation work. Participants scan a QR code to access a website designed by the artist, which then measures the hardware performance of the user’s mobile phone. Their screen will render strange 3D scenes as well as a randomly generated string of oracular acronyms. In the process, the phone's temperature may rise, and the speed of the rendering may fluctuate. That is to say, each prophetic expression is produced by consuming the computing power of the phone. The real operations and depletions of hardware—the basic infrastructure of the virtual world—are here emphasized and made visible, used as an offering to this digital oracle. The artist reminds us that the “virtual” is not without material presence, nor is it generated out of thin air.

Web-Based software development: Weihao Qiu

Commissioned by UCCA Center for Contemporary Art