
从1945年象征人类纪起始的标志三位一体核试验(Trinity test)到1989年全球停止地表核试验的近半个世纪期间,千余起核试验使得大气中本底辐射(background radiation)达到了前所未有的峰值。其后,随着大气中放射元素自然衰变的不断进行,本底辐射强度将按指数曲线下降。

装置“(临时的)小器具”由多种材料、电路板和其他元件拼装而成,其长杆末端的盖革米勒管(Geiger Muller tube)在探测着环境中的辐射值,它由于受到辐射粒子的不断撞击而晃动,这个运动会持续直至环境中的本底辐射强度衰减至人类纪开始之前的水平。


作品摄影:曹达旭 郭城

The (temporary) Gadget Series
custom circuit, Arduino, Geiger Muller tube, aluminum, carbon fiber tube, cement brick

After the conduction of Trinity Test that marks the proposed starting point of Anthropocene, the background radiation in the atmosphere reaches the peak within half-century due to thousands of overground nuclear tests. As the attenuation of radiation is happening, the background radiation intensity will decrease by the exponential curve.

The (temporary) gadget consists of various materials and ready-made circuit boards as well as other modular. The Geiger Muller tube on the installation detects the radiation level in the atmosphere and vibrates as it receives radiation ions, until the background radiation intensity decay to the level before the time of the Anthropocene. The time of decay can be regarded as "temporary" on a geological time scale, but it might be also regarded as permanent on the time scale of the Homo sapiens. In addition, "gadget" was also the name of the world's first atomic bomb.

photos by Cao Daxu and Guo Cheng

(临时的)小器具 No.1 | The (temporary) Gadget No.1

(临时的)小器具 No.1 | The (temporary) Gadget No.1

installation view at Contemporary Museum, Kumamoto, Japen

(临时的)小器具 No.2 | The (temporary) Gadget No.2

(临时的)小器具 No.3 | The (temporary) Gadget No.3

(临时的)小器具 No.5 | The (temporary) Gadget No.5

(临时的)小器具 No.6 | The (temporary) Gadget No.6

在(临时的)小器具No.5 与 No.6 中,辐射探测器与绿萝、虎皮兰、仙人掌这些常被误认为具有吸收辐射能力的植物并置,形成了一种真实环境状况与人类心理自我抚慰之间的对比。

In The (temporary) Gadget No.5 and No. 6, the artist juxtaposed the radiation detector and the S.trifasciata/Cactus together - these plants are often thought as natural radiation absorbers, to contrast between real environmental conditions and psychological self-comfort of human being.